keadaan licin bahasa Inggris
- keadaan: circumstance; circumstances; complexion;
- licin: longheaded; slimy; slippery; smooth; artful;
- licin: longheaded; slimy; slippery; smooth; artful; greasy; sleek; silken; liquid; fluent; slick; refined; wily; slippy; tricksy; silky; cunning; fluid; guileful; fine; capricious; foxy; satiny; delicate;
- beludru licin: plain back velvet
- bercukur-licin: smooth-shaven
- butir licin: smooth grain
- collie licin: smooth collie
- jalan licin: slippery road
- kabel licin: locked cable
- lebih licin: icier; slipperier
- lereng licin: the slippery slope
- licin, banyuwangi: licin
- memerang licin: smooth-coated otter
- paling licin: iciest; slipperiest
- sangat licin: ultrasmooth
- 1.Check your tire surface is already in slippery conditions or not. If it so it is advisable to immediately replace it with a new tire.
1.Lihat permukaan ban Anda apakah sudah dalam keadaan licin atau tidak. Kalau sudah demikian maka dianjurkan untuk segera menggantinya dengan ban yang baru.